Orders should be placed using an appropriate form placed below, giving your name or company name and required parameters.
Directly after placing an order, you will receive a confirmation of its receipt and calculated value inclusive of VAT. Such order will be sent for processing the moment we receive an advance payment in the amount of 15% of its value. Such advance payment should be made by wire transfer to the following bank account number: 50 1020 4955 0000 7902 0057 9201 with reference made to the relevant order number.
- Each window sill or countertop is secured with bubble wrap and labelled “handle with care”.
- Products are sent with an invoice, therefore, your order should state the necessary data and place of delivery.
- The payment on delivery is to be made to the forwarder.
- After making the payment, you are entitled to inspect the consignment contents in the supplier’s presence in order to verify whether the products were not damaged during transportation.
- Complaints regarding any damage caused during transportation will be accepted only if such damage is discovered in the supplier’s presence.